Polish Fund-Raiser Dinner
189 W Lamb St, BellefonteStuffed cabbage, pierogis, noodles, dessert All dinners are take-out only.
Stuffed cabbage, pierogis, noodles, dessert All dinners are take-out only.
Mass with hymns
Sung mass with festive music and and anthems
ONE SERVICE will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the church on January 19. The annual meeting will following the service, and then a potluck lunch will be held in the parish hall.
Eucharist at Mary Altar to pray for our country as a new president takes office and to remember Martin Luther King
Grief counseling with Michael Larrimore in parish hall. All are welcome.
Pancake supper and hymn sing. $10 adults; free for kids under 12. Benefits Bellefonte Youth Center.
Eucharist with imposition of ashes
Sung eucharist with imposition of ashes