Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross Followed by soup supper in the Fellowship Hall
Stations of the Cross Followed by soup supper in the Fellowship Hall
Palm Sunday is a day of sharp contrast. We begin the liturgy recalling Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. With those who greeted him that day, we too wave our palms and shout "Hosanna in the highest". The story of Christ's passion, crucifixion and death is told, and we leave prepared to enter deeply into this […]
On Maundy Thursday, we recall Christ's two acts of the night before he died -- the washing of his disciples' feet as an act of service, and the institution of the Eucharist as a sign and symbol of the reality of his death and resurrection. At the end of the liturgy, the sacrament of Christ […]
On Good Friday, we proclaim the passion of Christ's crucifixion and death. In solemn prayer we uphold the needs of our fallen world, we venerate the holy cross on which hung the world's salvation, and then, in remembrance of his death, we receive communion, the sacrament that has been reserved at the Altar of Repose […]
The Great Vigil of Easter begins in total darkness. A new fire and the Paschal (Easter) Candle is lit. In the growing light we hear the great proclamation of Easter (the Exultet), we celebrate the sacrament of baptism and renew our baptismal vows, and then celebrate the first mass of Easter. There is no other […]
A Service of Choral Evensong & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered on Sunday, September 25 at 5:00 P.M. Evensong is one of the jewels of Anglicanism. The service consists of chanted Psalms, readings from the Bible, traditional canticles, a Marian anthem, and prayers, both said and sung. Evensong is directly followed by […]
Let us keep the Feast! is our monthly worship and dinner series that celebrates feast days of the Church that would otherwise go unobserved. Each gathering will begin with mass in the church, followed by dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Join us we celebrate the Feast of Saint Michael & All Angels.
Families with young children; grandparents and grandchildren; and parishioners with little ones in their lives are all invited to our Saint Francis Family Day. In honor and thanksgiving for Saint Francis of Assisi, we will be offering a morning of family activities, learning, worship, and feasting. Come celebrate everyone’s favorite animal-loving Saint! Please confirm your […]