Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross Followed by soup supper in the Fellowship Hall

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a day of sharp contrast. We begin the liturgy recalling Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. With those who greeted him that day, we too wave our palms […]

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, we recall Christ's two acts of the night before he died -- the washing of his disciples' feet as an act of service, and the institution of […]

Good Friday

On Good Friday, we proclaim the passion of Christ's crucifixion and death. In solemn prayer we uphold the needs of our fallen world, we venerate the holy cross on which […]

The Great Vigil

The Great Vigil of Easter begins in total darkness. A new fire and the Paschal (Easter) Candle is lit. In the growing light we hear the great proclamation of Easter […]

Eve of Michaelmas *New Date*

Let us keep the Feast! is our monthly worship and dinner series that celebrates feast days of the Church that would otherwise go unobserved. Each gathering will begin with mass […]

Saint Francis Family Day

Families with young children; grandparents and grandchildren; and parishioners with little ones in their lives are all invited to our Saint Francis Family Day. In honor and thanksgiving for Saint […]